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Dog Park for Aliso Viejo

As a member of the community and a Director on the AVCA Board, I recognize the need for a Dog Park in Aliso Viejo. I have worked to help the association gather the important community input so that this amenity can be developed properly to meet the needs and desires of the resident. I began by organizing and hosting the first Family Fitness and Nature Walks through Aliso Canyon Community Park's undeveloped sections so residents could see the site of the proposed Dog Park. Earlier this year, as the AVCA Board President, I organized the first Walking Workshop of the area to gather input from interested homeowners and residents. The Parks and Landscape Committee has submitted several designs for the proposed Dog Park for Board review, so the project continues to move forward. Aliso Viejo needs a Dog Park for these reasons:

A Dog Park will benefit both dog owners and non-dog owners

It will help to keep all of our parks cleaner and free from nuance

A Dog Park will free up other parks where dog owners exercise their dog

A Dog Park will serve a huge constituency of dog owners in Aliso Viejo

Please feel free to submit your comments on the Dog Park issue so I may consider your point of view. Thank you!

Ross Chun for Aliso Viejo City Council 2024
 FPPC #1466871
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