I have worked tirelessly for more than fifteen years to ensure that our community is safe, beautiful and thriving. Public safety is of primary concern and as a member of the Orange County Fire Authority Board of Directors, I work directly with first responders to ensure I understand the threats that our fire fighters face. The health and wellbeing of our residents impacts our businesses, schools, homeowners, rental communities and faith-based community. I want to make sure that our community remains safe and maintains its strength and vitality, and retains its attractive qualities so our city can thrive. I am running for re-election to the Aliso Viejo City Council for 3 reasons:
1. Public Safety
2. Economic Recovery and Growth
3. Safety for City Staff and Contractors
This is a time when our city needs leadership and a clear understanding of how county, state and federal guidelines affect Aliso Viejo. Employment guidelines and safety standards protect our staff and contractors and ensure that our city maintains a positive, professional reputation that will attract residents, businesses and future employees. Our community needs productive ways to interact with city staff and contractors without the fear of harassment or retaliation. The conduct of our council should encourage engagement and welcome partnerships with outside vendors.
I will continue to apply a balanced approach to leadership that will ensure that all voices are heard, and all concerns are addressed fairly. For 12 years, I have hosted "Coffee With Your Councilman," a community coffee chat where residents can express their concerns, inquire about opportunities and understand local government's role in their lives. I will continue to encourage input and discussion on mainstream matters as well as new and unique ideas that can bring innovative thinking to our community.
Please reach out to me to express your ideas, and let's find out what it will take to make them a reality.
AVALON BAY DEVELOPMENT - Many residents have expressed their concerns over the Avalon Bay development project at the Commons. I am committed to ensuring that the public's opinions are heard, and that the city understands the need for public comment.
Since our Study Session, I have knocked on more than 1,200 doors, giving the voters in District 5 a chance to weigh in. I have learned that the vast majority of residents DO NOT have the details of this project, but I am carrying their concerns forward and advocating for better communication and greater transparency!
DMV CLOSURE - Since Laguna Woods Council Member Carol Moore spoke at our council meeting just 3 months ago, I have been actively working to find a solution to the closure of the Laguna Hills DMV, and the loss of service this change would represent. I have facilitated a face-to-face meeting with the center property owner and Senator Dave Min, to consider some options and a transition plan that would benefit tens of thousands of residents in the area. More to come!
During my current term, our council approved a solidified Code of Conduct, largely based on issues that arose during the last election cycle. During my two terms on the Aliso Viejo City Council, the accuracy of the initiatives I have moved forward have never been questioned, and the information I have presented has never been challenged. The public has elected our council with the expectation of the highest level ethical conduct. No elected official should be afraid to commit to such a Code of Conduct or hesitate in committing to serve the public with ethics and integrity. It is our duty and our privilege.
Trust In Your Elected Officials
Every voter must trust in the decision that they have made in electing their representatives. That trust must be earned through appropriate behavior and ethical conduct. Elected officials must be prepared to adhere to a higher standard.
In previous campaigns, prior to sending out his campaign solicitations, then Mayor Pro Tem Mike Munzing requested a list of city vendors who were paid more than $5,000 by the City of Aliso Viejo. Is this legal? Yes, but the voters must ask themselves why an elected official would need a list of vendors who he would have the most influence over while he is asking for campaign contributions.
Throughout their terms, elected officials enjoy the opportunity to have access to a staff and contractors to support official business. These paid professionals are not available for the private purposes of individual council members, even the Mayor. The City of Aliso Viejo passed an ordinance upon incorporation that restricts access to city hall and staff, yet we have seen the abuse and violation of this codified policy time and again. Incidents of the use of inappropriate comments to staff members, and the waste of valuable staff time for the personal entertainment of council members.
For all of these reasons, I oppose appointing a council member to the position of Mayor when he or she is running for re-election. The voters should oppose the abuse of the office and the self-promotion we have seen in so many past years.
Our City and City Council can only succeed with strong leadership. Council members have an obligation to serve the public and represent their constituents, and leadership in the council chambers, in the community and in our region are critical to our success. Lack of attendance, poor participation, and positions biased by a personal agenda that does not represent the city and its residents does not serve the public.
As council members, we have the privilege of serving on regional and state boards, to give our constituents a broader perspective and greater reach. Council members who use these positions simply to collect a stipend and fill a seat are not meeting their responsibility or justifying the trust the public has placed with their public officials. At the close of every council meeting, Councilman Chun reports out on the public record, all of his meetings and official activities so the public does not have to search through the meeting minutes to understand his commitment to his role.
Over his two terms, Councilman Chun has held leadership roles with a number of regional and state level agencies, including:
The League of California Cities
The Association of California Cities
The Orange County Council of Governments
The Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control
The Southern California Association of Governments
Councilman Chun initiated the first Environmental Committee at the Transportation Corridor Agency, tasked with carefully evaluating the environmental and community impact of the toll road construction projects.
At Councilman Chun's urging, The Association of California Cities Orange County formed its first Committee on Changing Demographics and Diversity, and appointed him the chair. This responsibility also affords the Councilman the opportunity to work with many state, county and local officials who value diversity, acceptance and open-minded debate.
Active Participation
Since elected, I have dedicated my personal and professional time to establish strong relationships and establish the highest level of active participation. I have a consistent track record of engagement with key influential groups such as the Orange County Business Council, The League of California Cities, The Association of California Cities, The Southern California Association of Governments, The Asian Pacific Islander Caucus, the Aliso Viejo Chamber of Commerce and South Orange County Governmental Affairs.
Fair Representation
Elected officials have a responsibility to represent their constituency fairly and honestly and the voters have the opportunity to determine whether their council members are meeting this responsibility.
Open Communication
Open Communication is critical to maintaining efficient and constructive relationships with stakeholder groups in and around Aliso Viejo. Once elected, I initiated the formation of the first Standing Committee, meeting with Capistrano Unified School District leadership and elected officials, and continue my 15+ year relationship with the Aliso Viejo Community Association, meeting with AVCA staff and Board Members as part of the AVCA/City Standing Committee to maintain this important partnership.
Community Engagement
The public must have an opportunity to address and engage their elected officials with productive communication. Since elected, I have hosted "Coffee With Your Councilman" each month at local coffee shops and restaurants around Aliso Viejo, to give residents a change to speak their minds. This is the first time a council member on the Aliso Viejo City Council has offered this kind of open access, and I will continue to meet with my constituents when re-elected. I also meet with students, parents, business owners and members of the senior communities to ensure that I understand the needs of those I represent.
Economic Development
Aliso Viejo has maintained its financial vitality despite several years of unprecedented economic challenges. I believe our city can not only maintain its current levels of financial security, but prevail through pro-active moves to encourage the growth of business within our city.
Read MoreStop Abuse of Elected Positions
Elected officials should not be permitted to use their positions to lash out at community members.
Read MoreViolation of Community Rules
Community Rules and Guidelines for the placement of political signs are in place to protect the rights of property owners.
Read MoreDog Park for Aliso Viejo
For more than 15 years, residents of Aliso Viejo have asked for a dog park. For the 6 years I served on the AVCA Board of Directors, I worked to bring this amenity to the community.
Read MoreCommunity Cooperation
Aliso Viejo is unique in its make-up of municipal infrastructure and the recreational areas owned and maintained by the community association. The continued success of our city requires a cooperative effort between the two entities.
Read MorePark Ownership In Aliso Viejo
The Aliso Viejo Community Association owns, manages and maintains 21 parks in the community, including sports fields and passive use parks.
Read MoreDouble Taxation
AVCA dues and city taxes are separate and do not cross over. Paying AVCA dues does not equate to double taxation.
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